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Welcome to BSAMCH

Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital is an academic health sciences center that has been established with an aim to provide leadership and excellence in the field of teaching, clinical care and service in a student-centered comprehensive campus. The institute is committed to the advancement of knowledge and intellectual growth through teaching and research, and at the same time, to the well-being of the people of Delhi through communicative leadership and service with a smile.
Named after the leading activist, social reformer, first Law Minister of Free India and the chief architect of the Constitution of India, the Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Medical College, has been established by the Government of NCT of Delhi in the existing 29.4 acre campus, where the 540 bedded Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar Hospital is located.

Director Principal

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe”.
Anatole France

Dr. Neeta Wardhan
Academic Coordinator

“A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement”.
Bo Bennett

Dr. S.K. Bajaj
Head Of Office

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”.
Eleanor Roosevelt


Our Events

International Yoga Day 2024

Celebration of International Yoga Day 2024 in r/o Dr. BSA Medical College.

Pranic healing workshop

First Basic Pranic healing workshop conducted for Doctors and Staff of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar College on 29 - 30 July 2023.

2nd Sensitization Program on Pharmacovigilance

Under the guidance of Director Principal Dr. Ishwar singh Department of Pharmacology conducted its 2nd Sensitization Program on Pharmacovigilance for Nursing Personal & Pharmacists Training program on dated 22-02-2024 at 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM at MEU Hall, A Block in 37 (Thirty seven) Nursing officers participated. Whole event is co- ordinated by Dr. Neeta Wardhan Head of department Pharmacology.

Pledge taking ceremony

Pledge taking ceremony on the occasion of world breastfeeding week was held on 1 August 2023 Faculty , residents and staff of Dept of Pediatrics and Dept of OBG participated in ceremony

Silver Jubilee of GGSIPU

On the auspicious occasion of celebration of silver Jubilee of GGSIPU the department of Community Medicine from Dr. BSAMCH participated in the Health Mela organised by the University on 29 October 2023.

Cyber Security Awareness

BSA Studensts' welfare association held cyber security awareness program in the month of November. To download the report, please click here.

Lecture for Students & Police Officers

Under the aegis of MEU, as a part of the IOA Bone and Joint Week, the Ortho Dept at Dr. BSA Medical College and Hospital, Rohini, successfully organised an enlightening lecture for medical students and police personnel on 7 August 2023. The session emphasised first responder responsibilities and the vital role in caring for injured patients.


Under the guidance of Director Principal Dr. Ishwar singh Department of Pharmacology conducted its 1st Sensitization Program on Pharmacovigilance for Nursing Personal & Pharmacists Training program held on dated 05-01-2024 at 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM at MEU Hall, A Block in 37 (Thirty seven) Nursing officers participated. Whole event is co-ordinated by Dr. Neeta Wardhan Head of department Pharmacology.

For prevention of cyber crime

Cyber Cell Crime Branch R/O Dr. Bsa Medical College on dated 17-02-202 at 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM, attended all faculty & all MBBS students

BSAMCH Infrastructure

Academic Facilities

Library Facilities
Demonstration Rooms

Residential Facilities

Recreation Facilities
Medical Facilities for Student and staff

Buildings by PWD

Area College: 15108
Hospital (including OPD) : 47496
Hostel & Residential Complex : 26756

Celebration of International Yoga Day 2024 in r/o Dr. BSA Medical College.